Thats me in blue with cycling friends at Lake Taylor NZ

Friday, September 3, 2010


Are we the subject of social engineering? I think we are especially in our attitude to Homosexuality. We are continually being told that it is a fact that Homosexuality is part of our DNA and a valid lifestyle choice. However I should make the comment that there isn't complete agreement amongst the medical profession or the scientific community as to the reason for someone being Homosexual; is it DNA, our genes, social conditioning, environmental or a sickness or moral deviation? Although the ‘experts’ do not have undisputed facts the media, and community groups certainly think they do. They say Homosexuality is definitely not a sickness or a ’sin’ and most probably not social conditioning. Because we are a tolerant society we can not speak against Homosexuality. In fact in our tolerant society we are very intolerant towards anyone who deems to say it is anything but our DNA.

People are tagged as Homophobic if they dare to criticise Homosexuality or question popular opinions on it. I would like to post my thoughts on this subject, when I look at Homosexuality I see three things that help form my view on Homosexuality; evolution, Biblical morality and common sense speaking against this lifestyle, in other words it’s ‘wrong’ behaviour. But it is no worse than other sexual sins. In our moral bereft world our attitudes to sexuality have been tipped up side down; young people are bombarded with conflicting messages but the strongest one is ‘to do what feels best for you’ or ‘be happy’ because that’s what really is important. Take condoms with you and don't deny your desire for pleasure, any time or any cost. How you express your sexuality is yours to choose and actually it is a 'mature person' who is able to experiment with different styles.

Now I believe that there are certain things we do that are wrong and always will be. Sexual immorality is wrong; such practices as cheating on your partner, sex before a committed relationship, child sex, homosexuality and others out there. They are wrong and eventually will destroy our lives and families. What I am not saying is that people, who would be known as homosexual, gay, and lesbian or what ever, are evil or bad people. They are just as bad or good as I am, because I have and will do wrong things. People who do wrong things are nice, every day people. They are not criminals and should not be discriminated against and in fact I don’t need to know about their sexuality. What people do in their private moments is between them, God and the person they are doing it with. I have friends who have cheated on their wives and I have friends who are homosexuals and that is not a problem as far as them being my friends. I may not agree with their choices, if I know of them.

What I find frustrating is that where ever we look, the message is being subtly and blatantly pushed on us that Homosexual lifestyle is a normal and valid alternative lifestyle choice. Newspapers, magazine, radio programs, TV plays and novels all seem to need their token and not so token references to homosexuality as normal. It is not though! The message is carried by the media and a strong Gay lobby group. We cannot speak against it; we live in a tolerant and inclusive society that says that everything is okay if it doesn't hurt the other person, that what one person might think as wrong someone else thinks it’s right. When people do say that homosexuality is wrong then tolerance disappears, they are 'homophobic'!

The problem is not just ‘them’ but also those that have spoken out against Homosexuality, usually from within the Christian community. They have ended up speaking against the Homosexual person, seemingly lacking any sense of love or tolerance or acceptance. They become hung-up on the outward sinful acts of people but often forget the many other sins. They forget to treat people with respect, dignity and love. They become homophobic in their attitudes and lose sight of the person.

What causes people to be Homosexual? I don't really know but I suspect there are different reasons; some choose this lifestyle through environment, upbringing, peer pressure maybe especially with young people unsure of their sexuality, engaged in a permissive society, ready to experiment with different practices but not really Homosexual. Maybe some who are born with this disposition have an illness like for example; Depression or schizophrenic. I don't know, but if so they need help not condemnation.

Lets tell people to ‘sin no more’ but to welcome the person into our arms, just as Christ did. We should not discriminate against people based on their sexuality but just love them.

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