Thats me in blue with cycling friends at Lake Taylor NZ

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coffee At God's Place

Just picked up a copy of a magazine published locally called "Avenues" it is a local Christchurch city magazine, last month we advertised our business in that edition. However what caught my eye in this December edition was the article, "Coffee At God's Place" on page 21. This article follows on nicely from what I have been blogging about and explores the 'church' as a third place.

The following is their intro..."These days God is more likely to feed you a latte and bagel than loaves and fishes. So how do cafes fit within churches and do you need to be faithful to get your fix?' and the following quote from Spreydon Baptist pastor Graham Early "We're not here trying to convert; we're just here trying to be genuine. We're not just called to capture people; we're called to be with people."

Have a read here:
or go to your 3rd place cafe and borrow a copy.

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